Monday, February 15, 2016


     Hello! Sorry I haven't updated my blog in a while. Wifi here on Hoskin's Missions Base is very slow...
     After leaving the Philippines, we took a 6 hour plane ride to Port Moresby and an hour plane ride to Hoskin's. I can't even begin to describe how beautiful it was. For miles, all I saw was coral reefs and tropical forest. We arrived at Hoskin's Missons Base on Friday afternoon and we were welcomed with open arms.
     I'm not sure why I thought this, but I thought that Hoskin's would be very primative and we'd be living in mud huts or something. I was proven wrong when I was able to sleep in a comfy bed after almost 60 hours of traveling. Jet lag didn't hit me too hard and I was so thankful for that.
     On Monday morning, we ventured into town to go shopping for food to feed the men on the building team. Either we bought alot or the price of food is high in PNG but we bought almost $1000 worth of food. Shopping in Kimbe was truly a culture shock. While we were in the store, we were given looks that could pierce like a knife. Maybe it was because we were white or because we were buyng lots of food but I have never felt like I was in the minority(EVER!) until then.
     But other than that experience, everything has been truly amazing. I met 5 kids my age on base and they have invited me to do  stuff with them which is honestly a blessing because I had no idea what to expect when I came here.
     The building team has been working so hard for the last 3 days. Everyone is so shocked by their progress so far and I'm very confident that they will finish what needs to be done by the time we leave. Hopefully I can update you all with pictures from the project and the friends I've made here. I will try my best to update you all ASAP.


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